West Wales MS Eluned Morgan is calling on national retailers to follow supermarket chain Morrisons lead and close their stores on Boxing Day.

The Senedd Member for Mid and West Wales is calling on national retailers to think about their employees this Christmas and close on Boxing Day.

Through the pandemic, shop workers have been part of the front line effort in supporting communities keeping shops open and stepping forward when many of us were told to stay at home.

Eluned believes that retail staff should enjoy a well-earned and much-needed break this festive period encouraging some of Britain’s biggest companies to close for Christmas and Boxing Day for the first time in years.

The MS stressed that they should not be expected to take annual leave or lose money when the stores will be closed.

“Staff have worked incredibly hard over the last 18 months as supermarket sales surged over the pandemic. Workers put their jobs before their health to keep shelves stocked, serving customers and their communities,” she said.

“Over the last 18 months, shop workers have dealt with higher levels of abuse from the public as the pandemic wore on.

"I have kept in touch with USDAW, the shop workers union over the pandemic and heard how their survey found that almost 90 per cent of shop workers suffered abuse, two-thirds were threatened and nearly one in ten assaulted over this period.

"Much of this abuse goes unreported and there is little in the way of action taken against the offenders. Until we have a law to protect shop workers better, I believe the retailers need to do more to support their staff. The least they deserve is time with their loved ones.

“Supermarkets have profited significantly throughout the pandemic - it’s now time to put people first.”