Committee members of the Ceredigion Association for the Blind bid farewell to their chairperson, who is leaving the area, at their AGM.

The association is a local charity which supports people with visual impairment in Ceredigion.

Its services includes local help and assistance with IT information and advice on software for those with visual impairment, including grants towards equipment; a telephone ring-around service for those less mobile who cannot attend local group meetings; the charity can fund local groups for vision-impaired people and the Technology Group meets monthly to deal with people’s phones and iPad queries and to learn about new developments in technology etc.

The charity has helped over 60 clients in the last two years and is a longstanding member of the Wales Council of the Blind, which means it can connect you to other service providers who offer services with which the charity cannot help.

At the AGM on 29 June, members said a sad farewell and a huge thank you to chairperson Gillian Hopkins, who is leaving the area.

Gill has supported sight-impaired people in Ceredigion for decades – not only within this organisation but particularly with her longstanding contribution to the Aberystwyth Visually Impaired Group.

However, the AGM wasn’t all goodbyes – Gwyn Jones continues as treasurer, Gill Harries also continues in post as secretary and Dafydd Ladd as vice chair.

Jane Guest was welcomed as the new acting chairperson. She has been a member of the committee for some years and has worked within a sight support charity in the past.