An official order has been launched by Ceredigion County Council on a slew of changes that will bring fresh parking restrictions on Aberystwyth promenade which could see scores of parking spaces lost.

Ceredigion County Council launched a pre-consultation phase earlier this year for changes to restrictions in and around the promenade that will see new waiting times introduced in some areas, with double yellow lines replacing parking spaces along a vast stretch of the promenade from the Old College to South Beach.

The proposals, which are separate from controversial plans outlined in the budget to begin charging for parking on the promenade which are set to come in later this year, suggest that up to 60 current parking spaces will be lost, while more will be affected by additionally restrictive waiting times.

The plans will create space for a two way system around the castle end of the promenade, plans suggest.

The proposals have now been made public with the opportunity to give feedback, with the full list of changes outlined on the council’s website.

In its response to the pre-consultation phase, Aberystwyth Town Council said that “parking is consistently one of the most important issues to local residents, commuters, visitors and businesses” and that “no alternative solution is offered to this proposed loss of unrestricted/all-day parking.”

“Commuters are a large proportion of Aberystwyth’s working economy – many people who work in Aberystwyth live in surrounding towns/villages with no/insufficient public transport and must therefore drive, and park, in town,” the council said.

“Parking along the South promenade is largely used by local residents – from both South Marine Terrace and narrow, nearby streets.

“This loss of parking will only compound this problem, pushing the pressures onto new areas; streets further afield will start to suffer from the same problems.”

The town council also said that “consideration must be given for residents’ parking” and that any changes should be considered as part of a wider review of parking in Aberystwyth.

Aberystwyth town mayor Cllr Kerry Ferguson said: “Ceredigion County Council are proposing changes to parking restrictions on Aberystwyth Prom.

“The effect of this is to introduce multiple changes to parking restrictions on part of Aberystwyth seafront and some adjoining streets.

“It looks to me as a reduction in parking spaces by about 50 to 60 cars along the stretches proposed.”

Representations on the changes can be made until 24 April.