A Lampeter who pleading guilty to twice being in charge of a dog named Satan that was “dangerously out of control” and on one occasion injured a police officer has been banned from keeping dogs for five years while the dog has been put down.

Diane Lees, of 1 Pleasant Hill Cottages, North Road, appeared before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court for sentencing on 15 May.

The 55-year-old had pleaded guilty to two counts of being in charge of a dog that was dangerously out of control contrary to the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 at Llanelli Magistrates’ Court on 10 May.

On the first occasion, the dog – called Satan – was dangerously out of control at Lees’ home address on 15 October last year.

On the second occasion Satan injured Pc Phillips at New Inn, Carmarthenshire, on 4 January this year.

Lees was handed a community order to include nine months of alcohol treatment and rehabilitation activity days.

Lees was also fined £40 and ordered to pay £300 in compensation.

Magistrates banned Lees from owning dogs for five years and ordered Satan to be destroyed as he “constitutes a danger to public safety”.

Lees must also pay £85 in prosecution costs.