A Lampeter woman who on two occasions this year assaulted a man before damaging a police vehicle after officers were called has been handed a community order.

Diane Lees, of 1 Pleasant Hill Cottages, appeared before Aberystwyth Magistrates’ Court on 18 October.

The 54-year-old had previously pleaded guilty to assaulting Martin John Owen in the area of the Royal Oak pub on High Street in Lampeter on 15 March this year and damaging a police vehicle at Aberystwyth police station on the same day.

Lees also pleaded guilty to again assaulting Martin John Owen in Lampeter – this time on 23 June before again damaging a police vehicle.

She also admitted using threatening or abusive behaviour at the Royal Oak on 23 June.

Lees was handed a community order to include rehabilitation and must pay £460 compensation, £85 costs and a £114 surcharge.