A memorable evening hosted by Ceredigion Music Service took place at Aberystwyth Arts Centre.

A concert took place with almost 200 of Ceredigion’s young people performed as part of the musical showcase on Tuesday, 28 March.

Dan Edwards-Phillips, Ceredigion Music Service manager said: “It was an evening of celebrating music, which was an emotional and valuable experience for the children that have not been able to be on stage and missed out on so many opportunities for such a long time.”

Cllr Wyn Thomas, Cabinet member responsible for schools, lifelong learning and skills, said: “It was a thrilling experience to attend this special concert. It was fantastic to see so many young people taking part after several years. Being a part of the music service can give young people the opportunity to express themselves through music and improve their mental health and wellbeing.

“I look forward to enjoying many more similar performances in the future.”

You can contact Dan Edwards-Phillips on [email protected] if you would like more information about the music service.

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