The Wild Oak in Llanidloes – formerly the Old Oak – has reopened and is currently exhibiting the artwork of Gary Weston.

Gary’s oil paintings will be on display for the next couple of weeks and the artist is delighted.

“Llanidloes has a great art vibe covering many styles of expression,” he said. “I’ve only lived in Llani a year so I’m excited to be showing my work on my 70th birthday.

“I came to Llani from the Costa del Wolverhampton a year ago and love this place. As a 70-year-old pensioner, I can devote my time to arty stuff, mostly my ‘old fashioned’ people art.

“Several of the paintings in the exhibition will be based on black and white photos by Frank Meadows Suttcliffe who was a famous photographer in the 1870s and 1880s and I have ‘reimagined’ them into colour oil paintings

“A couple of examples are shown here. They are of fishing folk of the Whitby area at the time. Hope you like them.”