The Afon Teifi flows through the heart of Ceredigion and is suffering.

A river brimming with wildlife, flora, people and history, the Art on Troubled Waters exhibition highlights its beauty and also its suffering due to pollution.

A photography exhibition by Fred Skilton can be found at the Seagull Gallery in Cardigan; in the lower gallery and upstairs there is a group show comprising of art, ceramics, print, glass, film and poetry.

Local artists and creatives will be presenting their thoughts and relationship with Afon Teifi.

The exhibition starts on Wednesday, 6 September and runs for a month.

A private viewing will take place on Friday, 8 September, from 6pm to 9pm.

Also at the Seagull is a reading by award-winning poet Simone Mansell-Broome of her new poem, An Elegy, A Song and a performance of a specially written song by Piers Partridge and River Matthews, Leave Them a River.

The evening will take place on Wednesday, 27 September, from 6pm to 9pm.

There will also be readings of river-based poetry from local poets – all part of the exhibition.

The Seagull is free to enter and open from 11am to 3pm, Wednesday to Saturday.