An open meeting in Machynlleth will ask whether the mass destruction of nature should be recognised as a crime in international law, in the same way as genocide and other crimes against humanity.

Rob Monaghan of Stop Ecocide International will present the case, at The Tabernacle on Thursday, 26 October, at 7pm.

The event is sponsored by Mid-Wales Quakers from their concern that destroying the planet is currently not illegal.

This damage is happening on a global scale and we are literally killing our home, they say.

Ecocide is defined as “unlawful or wanton acts committed with knowledge that there is a substantial likelihood of severe and widespread or long-term damage to the environment being caused by those acts”.

This meeting will give people the opportunity to discuss this urgent issue. How should we tackle the damage that is being done? What is the most effective way to hold the ‘perpetrators’ to account? Who, indeed, are those most responsible?

All are welcome to go along and contribute to the debate.

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