tHE stepson of a Harlech man who died from Sarcoma has raised over £4,000 for charity.

Dwayne Owen set himself a challenge to complete one million steps to raise money for Sarcoma UK in memory of his stepdad, Richard Moody.

He set himself the challenge to raise money for Sarcoma UK.

Dwayne’s proud mum, Carol Moody, told the Cambrian News how her son got on.

“Dwayne has completed his target of one million steps he did a few thousand over I think - and he has raised nearly £5,000 with gift aid contributions.

“He smashed his target of £1,500 in the first week, and that just kept increasing.

“We also held a cake sale and a raffle on his last fundraising day in the village where he did his last 20,000 steps and we raised £918; marvellous for just a few hours.

“I’m very grateful to everyone for their support, and I’m also a very proud mum.”

Dwayne completed the steps by walking to work - an 11-mile round trip - weekend hikes, walking the dog, playing football, jogging “and generally moving a lot”, he explained.

He needed to do an average of 35,000 steps a day - 17 miles a day or 5-6 hours of walking a day to reach one million steps.

Explaining why he set himself this challenge, he said: “Just over four years ago I lost my stepdad to sarcoma, a type of this cancer, aged 49.

“From feeling okay in October 2018, he was only ill for around six weeks, and when diagnosed with the form he had on 9 November - Rhabdomyosarcoma - it was too late to start treatment and he passed away in December 2018.

“This is an exceptionally rare and aggressive cancer that needs more research.”

Dwayne is no stranger to fundraising. In 2020 me, he, his mum, and his sister raised over £6,000 doing a skydive for charity.

Thanking everyone who supported his latest fundraising effort, Dwayne said: “I’d just like to thank everyone who shared my page, sponsored, helped organise the cake stall and raffle, spread the word and asked how I was getting on.

“It helped keep the motivation levels high and the spirits up throughout, especially during the rainy days!

“Thanks everyone.”

Dwayne has raised £4,264 so far. His fundraising page is still open and donations can be made at