The MP and MS for Dwyfor Meirionnydd have been helping out at Tesco Porthmadog to support South Gwynedd food bank. 

Mabon ap Gwynfor and Liz Saville Roberts said it is a scandal that so many are having to depend on the generosity of strangers to get by this winter because of 13 years of the Tories’ failed austerity agenda. 

 They said: "Once again, we commend the generosity of Tesco customers in Porthmadog for their willingness to support the local food bank. We were glad of the opportunity to do our bit to raise awareness of the work done locally.

"We would also like to thank Tesco Porthmadog for their continued support and for making these collections possible.

"It’s thanks to the generosity of public giving and the time and effort of volunteers that those in need of help can keep themselves and their families fed this winter. The support of the community in Dwyfor Meirionnydd is greatly valued. "People are generously donating food and other essential supplies such as nappies.

"Food banks have no place in twenty first century Britain. It’s a reflection of this Government’s failed austerity experiment that so many of our most vulnerable people are now dependent on strangers for support."