A table has been placed on Aberdyfi’s Picnic Island in remembrance of world-renowned climate scientist and Nobel Peace prize recipient, Sir John Houghton.

Sir John, who died in 2020 was also a much-loved and well-known resident of Aberdyfi where he lived for over 20 years and was an active member of the community.

Lady Sheila Houghton said: “I am delighted that John’s picnic table is now in place.

“John loved Aberdyfi and the Dyfi estuary, and Picnic Island is the perfect place for his memorial table.

“Our beautiful home, Brynhyfryd - where we spent many happy years together - is high up on the hill above us, and below us is the Dyfi estuary where John sailed Facit, the boat he shared with his good friend Don Harris from Oxford.

“The mooring was just below the path to Picnic Island, so very near.

“I am so pleased that Will Stockford, our Aberdyfi Harbourmaster, has been able to organise things so that we could have the table with the plaque at this perfect place.”

The plaque on Sir John Houghton’s memorial picnic table
The plaque on Sir John Houghton’s memorial picnic table (Doris O'Keefe)

Will added: “I have known Sir John for over 20 years and as Picnic Island comes under the maritime department’s jurisdiction, I was honoured that I could support Lady Sheila in remembering Sir John in this way.

“I always admired Sir John’s sense of adventure.

“He and his friend Don Harris just loved sailing - sometimes regardless of conditions or weather. They were often reluctant to put to sea in anything less than a force 5- which is near gale force winds!”

Lady Sheila added: “It is lovely that I am here today with John’s son and my stepson, Peter, and his wife Jeannie, who are over for a while from America.

“I am sure many other members of John’s family, and also his friends, will take a walk to Picnic Island to come and sit at John’s table and look out over the estuary and think of him.

“I am delighted to remember John in this way and hope the bench will be much used and enjoyed.”

Words and pictures by Doris O'Keefe