Gwynedd's Dwyfor Meirionnydd MP, Liz Saville Roberts, has put her name forward for selection for the new Dwyfor Meirionnydd seat which will include up to Y Felinheli / Llanberis / Caernarfon.

In a video (see above) the MP has released on social media, Mrs Saville Roberts asks fellow Plaid Cymru members to nominate her to represent the party in the new constituency.

In a post accompanying the video, Mrs Saville Roberts says: "It has been an honour to stand in the name of the people of Dwyfor Meirionnydd in Westminster since 2015 and to have achieved the highest vote for Plaid Cymru this century in the 2019 election.

"I ask party members in the old constituency to place your faith in me once again.

"I also ask members in Arfon to consider selecting me now that the constituency boundaries are extending northwards and on the retirement of my colleague Hywel Williams MP.

"I humbly ask you to support me to continue to play a part in our fantastic team as your parliamentary candidate."