A VILLAGE pub saved by five friends has made the shortlist of the Rural Oscars.

Y Madryn in Chwilog closed its doors in 2016, but was saved by a group of five friends and reopened in 2021.

Since it reopened, Y Madryn has become a hub for the village, hosting several gigs with up to 400 people attending, as well as holding coffee mornings and raising funds for mental health causes.

The news of the award nomination came out of the blue, with the owners unaware who has nominated them.

One of the owners, Dylan Jones, told the Cambrian News: “It’s come as a bit of a shock as we knew nothing about it.

“Someone has nominated us, but we don’t know who.

“Since we reopened in 2021 we have been very lucky with the local support everyone has shown towards the pub.”

The Rural Oscars are run by the Countryside Alliance and now the pub needs your help.

Judging for the Countryside Alliance Wales awards will take place via a public vote, with the winners announced in Cardiff in January. These will then compete for the UK titles in May.

The Countryside Alliance says the awards celebrate rural businesses that go the extra mile, support their local economy and are the unsung heroes in every community.

A link to vote online can be found on the Y Madryn Facebook page.