Plans to allow a town house in Aberystwyth’s conservation area to be converted to multiple occupancy have been approved despite strong opposition from the town council.

At the May meeting of Ceredigion County Council’s development management committee, members approved a change of use for 9 Penglais Terrace to allow the six-bed house to be used as a House of Multiple Occupation (HMO).

A report for members said Aberystwyth Town Council strongly objects to the scheme on grounds including: an over-supply of HMO properties in the town, a lack of supply of affordable, quality homes and flats, a lack of waste storage and parking, small bedroom sizes, and the council having an established policy not to approve the licensing of new HMO properties.

Ward councillor Alun Williams told members: “The general consensus is Aberystwyth has too many HMOs.

“HMOs are often very poor accommodation for people living in them, what we need is affordable family housing, as well as decent flats for people that can’t afford a house.”

“Some of the HMOs in the area are already highly problematic in terms of waste presentations and traffic.

“This isn’t one of those applications where a refusal would be difficult to justify”.