A RESIDENT has complained about her treatment at a Cardigan Town Council meeting.

Janet Barber of Cnwcydintir wrote to Tuesday’s meeting to object to the chairman’s refusal to let her speak in person on an issue she had written to the council about.

Her letter regarding street light concerns was read out and discussed by councillors in April, with members agreeing that they would consider replacements when funds were available.

Ms Barber’s latest letter stated she should have been permitted to speak at the meeting for three to four minutes.

She said: “I was absolutely astonished that the chair refused me permission to speak, despite me raising my hand several times, and emailing to say I would be attending the meeting. This is not how things work in a democracy.”

Cllr Catrin Miles added: “The matter was discussed for longer than three minutes. If she had more points to make she should have put them in the letter.

“It was discussed and we explained what the situation was.

“We can’t do more than that.”