A teenager who dreamed of travelling to her school prom on the back of a motorbike has been granted her wish by a biker from Manchester.

Tianna, from Barmouth, went to prom on a motorbike last Thursday night, thanks to a Manchester biker called Karlton.

Tianna’s mum, Deborah Rowlands, said her daughter posted her dream of going to prom this way on a biking site she uses online

“A biker from Manchester saw her post and very kindly offered to take her to the prom on the back of his bike, and not only that, he has helped get her brand new helmet and jacket,” Deborah said ahead of the prom, which took place at Plas Tan Y Bwlch, Maentwrog.

“He has said that he would like to get a message out there that bikers are good friendly people, and happy to make a young girl’s dreams come true.

“He is coming to stay in Barmouth with his wife especially to do this.”

Deborah reached out to some local bikers to see if a convoy of bikes could ride behind Tianna and Karlton.

Tianna, Karlton and a few other bikers left the car park by the leisure centre in Barmouth at 5pm last Thursday.

Tianna, second from left, with her friends
Karlton is pictured here on the far left next to Tianna, with Tianna's friend Jac and his mum in the middle, and Gareth, the other biker who attended (Picture supplied)

Deborah said: “Everything was fantastic.

“The timing of things through the day, Tianna having hair curled at the hairdressers and then having her make-up done, then another biker, Gary, and Karlton, arriving from Manchester on their bikes.

“They took Tianna for a spin on the bike up to Llanelltyd, then from Barmouth to Plas Tan y Bwlch.

“Tianna said the bike ride was the best experience of her life.”

Motorbike-lover Tianna added: “Being on a bike made me feel so free. It was the best moment of my life going around the bends and coming to prom on the thing that makes me the happiest in the world.”

Watch this video of Tianna on the back of the bike, having the 'best experience of her life'.