Calls have been made for Welsh Government to safeguard the future of a community swimming.

Dwyfor Meirionnydd MS, Mabon ap Gwynfor urged Welsh Government to help safeguard the future of the community-run Harlech Swimming Pool and avert the facility’s closure at the end of the month. HAL said energy costs have trebled, and with fewer people using the centre, they will have to close the pool on 31 March.

HAL has been community run since 2010 with the swimming pool, cafe and climbing wall open to the community and visitors to the area. However, the recent hike in energy prices have led to costs spiralling from £4,000 to £12,000 a month, forcing the site into significant financial difficulties.

Raising the matter during First Minister’s Questions, local Senedd Member Mabon ap Gwynfor urged the First Minister to commit to providing both short and long-term support to help secure the swimming pool’s future as a community resource.  

Mr ap Gwynfor MS said: "Eleven days ago, I received a message from the voluntary board of Harlech and Ardudwy Leisure announcing with sadness that they would have to close the swimming pool at the end of this month.

"The announcement comes as a result of an appalling increase in their costs. The cost of the centre has increased from £4,000 per month to £12,000 per month, and this £12,000 includes the UK Government energy support scheme.

"Investment in solar panels and new machinery would be a great help in the longer term, but they're facing the crisis now.

"Fair play to Gwynedd Council, they have provided short-term support that will keep the wolf from the door, but they have to find capital as a matter of urgency to secure the viability of this important community asset.

"So, what support can you provide to Harlech and Ardudwy Leisure in the short term, and what support can the government provide to ensure the viability of the centre in the longer term?