The proceeds from a successful Old New Year Supper and Concert held in January at Ysgol y Preseli have been donated to MS Society.

Members and friends of the RWAS Preseli Committee gathered to present a cheque for £5,000 to the charity, which was accepted by one of their ambassadors, namely the popular S4C presenter from St Dogmaels, Dafydd Wyn Rees, who himself has received treatment to battle the disease.

Dafydd went on to note his experiences and explained the exceptional work carried out by the MS Society to research into improving treatments for patients who suffer from this illness.

The money was raised by selling tickets for the two-course supper and concert, which featured radio presenter Geraint Lloyd, Y Tri Digri trio from north-east Wales and singer Jonathan Davies, alongside a raffle and auction, as well as a very generous donation from the evening’s presidents, Wyn and Katherine Rees of B V Rees, St Dogmaels.

The committee is also donating a sum of £2,000 to the Royal Welsh Agricultural Show Ceredigion 2024 Appeal from the profits of the evening.

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