Tywyn and District History Society will breathe new life into their respected history trail with renewed funding from Tywyn Town Council.

The Society applied for funding to print more leaflets that guide residents and tourists around the history hotspots of the town.

First created in 2019 with help from the National Lottery, the society say the leaflets have been in steady demand ever since.

A representative speaking at the full town council meeting on 14 February said: “The trail spreads the good news, assets, and attractions of the town and creates a warm welcome to people visiting.

“The leaflets have been in steady and constant demand, dare I say because they’re good!

“It has well-presented and carefully selected information about the history of the town from year dot to present.

“The trail has been cited as one of the best around and supports the tourist experience, town economy, and local pride.”

The leaflets contain a map of the town to “encourage town exploration, stay active, and support young people to learn map literacy”. It also features a QR code for a virtual version of the trail.

Funding for the printing of new leaflets was voted almost unanimously, with one councilor voting against the funding after quizzing the history society rep about how they could raise their own funds as other town societies did with fetes and tombolas.

Another councillor, speaking in support, said: “I think the work done by the society, if done by the council, would cost a lot more than this. As the trail is already established it would be a shame for this to be the end of it.”

The council voted to support the society with their request for £914 to cover leaflet printing costs.