Wheel Together – a club based in Aberystwyth offering cycle rides for all adults over 18 years – has secured grant funding through the People’s Postcode Lottery.

The club offers accompanied and inclusive cycle rides along the beautiful cycle paths surrounding Aberystwyth.

Being an ‘inclusive’ group means the club can offer rides to suit most levels of ability, and has the bike and trikes to accommodate this.

Members are very grateful for the players of the People’s Postcode Lottery as they have successfully applied for a Magic Little Grant of £500 which will help with rent payments.

Wheel Together is a club growing and going from strength to strength as they are very fortunate to have a dedicated team of ride leaders, buddies and committee members. However, as ever, the more the merrier!

To this end they have a Come and Try Day planned for Wednesday, 14 June at Morrisons car park from 11am until 4pm when bikes and trikes will be available to try out.

The group is also welcoming any potential ride leaders or buddies to come and chat, or email at wheeltogether­@outlook.com