Llanilar WI members welcomed Dr Alan Axford of HAHAV (Hospice at Home Aberystwyth Volunteers) to their fold at a recent meeting.

Dr Axford gave members an update on the work of HAHAV and the range of facilities which the organisation provides throughout the week.

Thanks to funding from the Welsh and UK governments, Ceredigion County Council and Aberystwyth Town Council, they were able to reach the required target to buy Plas Antaron, which was a former hotel.

A number of trustees are involved in various aspects of the work, and a large number of volunteers provide bereavement support and group meetings of various kinds, including sessions of art, singing and yoga, in a welcoming and peaceful environment.

They are currently looking for temporary alternative accommodation while the building is being adapted to offer additional activities for the future.

Dr Axford was presented with a cheque of £150 towards HAHAV and was thanked for his talk by president Jean Evans.

The following week, the group welcomed medical herbalist Clare Lewis, who is a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists.

She explained that herbalism, in addition to being the oldest type of medicine, is a holistic form of healing, with the advantage that, unlike some modern medicines, it does not have side effects.

Plants, or parts of plants, such as the roots, leaves or flowers are mixed with water, oil or alcohol, and the resulting medication is used to treat a wide range of conditions.

The vote of thanks was given by Margaret Rees.

The competition for an unusual herb was won by Lilwen Bevan in first place, with Karen Deehan second and Olwyn Jones third.

At the last meeting in November, the speaker was Lesley Jones, who showed members how to make a Santa Claus from wool. Members then enjoyed making their own Santas.

Lesley was thanked by Jean Evans.

At the beginning of December, members enjoyed a Christmas quiz compiled by Karen Deehan.

The winning team consisted of Carol Evans, Lilwen Bevan, Eirlys Jones and Val Blaney.

The competition for a Christmas decoration was won jointly by Janet Parry and Elizabeth Walker; the runner up was Lilwen Bevan.

Fifteen members enjoyed this year’s Christmas dinner at Llety Parc, which was preceded by a quiz prepared by Carol Evans.

Meetings after the Christmas break will resume on 10 January.

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