Aries (21 Mar - 20 Apr)

Although you feel you could do with some quiet time alone, it will be difficult to get a moment to yourself. As it is, if you throw yourself wholeheartedly into enjoying whatever the days might bring, you could end up wondering why you ever wanted time alone in the first place. A friend’s news will relate to a change of address they have been longing for, for some time.

Taurus (21 Apr - 21 May)

You will be thrown together with people whose company you find tiring. You like to take your time and this isn’t possible when you’re with a hyperactive friend or colleague. Still, the project you are working on is important so you have no choice but to find a way to work together harmoniously. A housemate’s suggestion to sell items no longer being used in order should be put to a vote.

Gemini (22 May - 21 Jun)

Situations will go from one extreme to another. Unlike some people who will struggle with the upheaval, you will have no trouble coping with a variety of events and activities. You are so confident you could try anything and come out on top. A little luck will be that special ingredient that will prove you are on a winning streak. You will quickly adapt to whatever might occur.

Cancer (22 Jun - 23 Jul)

You have always been sensitive and you find it easy to express your deepest feelings. You have a nurturing soul and this is why many people are drawn to you. You might use this as an opportunity to break down any barriers that exist between people in your immediate world. Treat others to a display of neighbourliness. You will be welcomed with open arms.

Leo (24 Jul - 23 Aug)

All of a sudden due to some unexpected change of plans, dreams that have spurred you on in the past are dreams no more. This will cause you to consider your life in general. You might realise you aren’t happy with the path you are on and you are ready to look for alternatives. Your aims are now more ambitious and to reach these you will need to be flexible and prepare for a rocky ride.

Virgo (24 Aug - 23 Sep)

Plenty of cooperation is yours to enjoy in partnerships of all descriptions. Both at home and at work you should find it easy to agree on almost everything. This is an ideal time for establishing new relationships and friendships and for enjoying greater harmony with those you already have. You might expect a successful outcome to a recent proposal or proposition. It will mark a positive turning point.

Libra (24 Sep - 23 Oct)

You are a sociable person and you enjoy your friendships but you also need time alone to recharge your batteries. It doesn’t matter what your friends are organising, whether it is a party, outing or social function, if you prefer not to get involved, don’t let anyone persuade you against what you feel like doing most. This is likely to be to have some quiet time to yourself. Your thoughts are on a faraway place.

Scorpio (24 Oct - 22 Nov)

It won’t be a problem finding the time to get through everything you have to do. You have an abundance of physical and mental energy at your disposal. You will find it surprisingly easy to arrange your time around an increasingly hectic schedule. Some people are ready for a break but you will keep on going. When problems do occur these will relate to someone who thinks they know better.

Sagittarius (23 Nov - 21 Dec)

A friend or partner’s actions will take you by surprise and will put fresh life into an old situation. You have always preferred to have a little variety in your life. A relationship or links with the past was starting to make you feel in a rut. You are about to discover this isn’t true at all. All of a sudden you will have a lot to look forward to as a result of past ties. Life is getting better and better.

Capricorn (22 Dec - 20 Jan)

The pace of life steps up with plenty of activity in your community to keep you busy. Even so you need to remind yourself that there are only a certain number of hours in a day. If someone suggests a short-cut or two to help get through some tedious chores, you will probably find there is actually some wisdom in what sounds like words of madness. Your challenge at this time is to do the best you can.

Aquarius (21 Jan - 19 Feb)

Doing the same thing day in and day out will hold no appeal. An increasing restlessness will be difficult to control. The worst of it is when someone tells you that you don’t know which side of your bread is buttered on. Ignore their caustic comments. If you are thinking along the lines of taking a holiday or going on a journey there’s a strong likelihood you will be making a booking.

Pisces (20 Feb - 20 Mar)

You have some serious decisions to make and it won’t take a lot of imagination to sense you are stepping into a new chapter. After some quiet thought you will acknowledge there is something missing from your life. You are ready now to broaden your horizons. It will be hard facts rather than intuitive feelings that are your greatest ally. Financial and business matters will go the way you want.

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