It’s called the Coed y Brenin Buff Winter Trail but the weather was far from wintry in the recent 13.1 mile race set in the beautiful Coed y Brenin landscape as the runners traversed the course in stunning Autumn sunshine.

13 Aberystwyth Athletic Club members made the short journey northwards and once again it proved a successful stomping ground.

Dave Powell led the Aber team home in 1.54.27 securing 1st in his age category with Louise Barker coming in at 2.06.46 and Lynwen Huxtable getting 2nd in her age category in a time of 2.13.29. Toby Driver finished in 2.20.20 with Stephen King hot on his heels in 2.21.58 and Sarah Purdon in 2.30.15, Mel Gaul crossed the line in 2.34.38, Ian Brandreth 2.38.29 and Christiane Kloos completed the course in 2.54.28.

It was Toby Driver’s second half marathon in a week: “I had done the Cardiff half marathon the previous Sunday, the first time I had done it and then, probably rather unwisely, decided to tackle the Buff Winter Trail a week later, again for the first time.

“It was a tough race, hot temperatures and muddy underfoot but greatly enjoyed it especially running with Aber AC colleagues. Might put my feet up now though for a few weeks!”

At the same time, a few thousand miles away, Kelvin Kiptum was setting a new world marathon record at the Chicago marathon in a time of 2.00.35. Keeping him company, albeit a few metres behind were two of Aber AC’s finest, Tracey Breedon and Paul Williams. Tracey completed the race in 3.11.53, a marathon pb and Paul was not too far behind in 3.21.25.

For Aber AC’s club chair, Paul Williams it was an unforgettable experience: “I had been suffering with a slight injury coming into this race so was not sure what time to expect but I was quite happy in the end with what I achieved.

“The experience though was incredible, to be part of such an iconic race with 50,000 other runners, is something that will stay with me for ever. And to have the marathon world record broken at the same event as well – a journey well worth making.”

Paul’s partner Julie also made the trip and not to be outdone she ran the partner race, the Chicago 5k so she has a medal to take home also – well done Julie!