Chwilio am brofiad bythgofiadwy’r haf hwn? Mae gan Lyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru rhywbeth arbennig iawn ar gyfer ymwelwyr yn arddangosfa Delfryd a Diwydiant.

Mae campwaith byd enwog - The Stonemason’s Yard gan yr artist Canaletto – wedi dychwelyd i Gymru, ac yn cael ei arddangos yn Oriel Gregynog.  

I ddathlu pen-blwydd y National Gallery yn 200 mlwydd oed, ac yn rhan o brosiect National Treasures i nodi’r achlysur arbennig hwn, mae 12 paentiad eiconig o’u casgliad yn cael eu harddangos mewn amgueddfeydd ac orielau celf ar hyd a lled y Deyrnas Unedig. Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru yw’r unig leoliad yng Nghymru, sy’n golygu bod yr arddangosfa hon yn gyfle unigryw i weld un o’r campweithiau hyn.

The exhibition also tells the incredible story of how this painting and other treasures came to Wales
(The exhibition also tells the incredible story of how this painting and other treasures came to Wales)

Mae The Stonemason’s Yard yn arbennig oherwydd dydi e ddim fel gweithiau eraill Canaletto. Yn wahanol i’w luniau crand o sgwariau, camlesi a lagwnau Fenis, mae’r paentiad hwn nid yn unig yn bortread o’r ddinas hardd, ond hefyd o’r bobl oedd wedi’i chreu.

Edrychwch yn ofalus ac fe welwch chi weithwyr yn torri cerrig i drwsio eglwys, merched gyda’u golch, plentyn bach yn syrthio a llawer mwy – y cyfan yn gipolwg ar ddiwrnod arferol yn y ddinas.

Gan gymryd ysbrydoliaeth o hyn, mae tua 90 o dirluniau Cymreig, sy’n ymestyn dros 250 o flynyddoedd, i’w gweld yn arddangosfa Delfryd a Diwydiant. Mae paentiadau pictwresg cynnar gan artistiaid clasurol yn cael eu dangos ochr yn ochr â phortreadau o bentrefi a threfi diwydiannol, yn dangos sut mae artistiaid wedi’u hysbrydoli gan dirweddau delfrydol a diwydiannol Cymru.

Mae’r arddangosfa hefyd yn adrodd hanes arbennig sut y daeth y paentiad yma a thrysorau eraill i Gymru fel ‘ffoaduriaid’ yn ystod yr Ail Ryfel Byd, i’w gwarchod rhag y bomiau yn chwarel anferth Manod ger Blaenau Ffestiniog.

Idyll and Industry
Delfryd a Diwydiant ( Delfryd a Diwydiant)

Dyma ein harddangosfa fwyaf hygyrch hyd yma - mae’n cynnwys taith sain ar gyfer detholiad o ddarluniau ac mae llyfryn gweithgareddau hwyl hefyd ar gael i helpu plant i fwynhau’r arddangosfa.

Mae mynediad i’r arddangosfa am ddim - cymrwch y cyfle prin yma i ymweld a mwynhau’r campwaith Canaletto y tu allan i Lundain, a chael blas ar y gelf Gymreig yn yr arddangosfa.

Fall in love with Canaletto’s masterpiece at the National Library of Wales this summer!

Looking for a memorable experience this summer? The National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth has something extra special in store for visitors at the Idyll and Industry exhibition.

A world famous masterpiece - The Stonemason’s Yard by the artist Canaletto - has returned to Wales, and is on display at the Gregynog Gallery.

To celebrate the National Gallery’s 200th anniversary, and as part of the National Treasures project marking this special occasion, 12 iconic paintings from their collection are on display in museums and art galleries across the UK. The National Library of Wales is the only location in Wales, meaning that this exhibition is a unique opportunity to view one of these masterpieces.

The Stonemason’s Yard is special because it isn’t like many of Canaletto’s other works. Unlike his grand paintings of the squares, canals and lagoons of Venice, this painting is not only a portrait of the beautiful city, but also of the people who created it.

Look closely and you will see workers chiseling away at stones to repair a church, women hanging their washing on the line, a small child falling over and so much more – all capturing an ordinary day in the city.

Taking inspiration from this, 90 or so Welsh landscapes, spanning 250 years, are also on display in the Idyll and Industry exhibition. Early picturesque paintings by classical artists are displayed alongside portraits of industrial villages and towns, which show how artists have been inspired by Wales’ idyllic and industrial landscapes.

The exhibition also tells the incredible story of how this painting and other treasures came to Wales as ‘refugees’ from bombing during the Second World War to be safely protected in the cavernous Manod slate mines near Blaenau Ffestiniog.

This is our most accessible exhibition to date - it includes an audio described tour and a fun activity book is available to help kids enjoy the exhibition.

Entry to the exhibition is free - we hope you can visit, and take this rare opportunity to enjoy this Canaletto masterpiece outside of London, along with the fine Welsh art on display in the wider exhibition.