Bala author Clare Mackintosh opens up about grief in the video above and her latest book, I Promise It Won't Always Hurt Like This.
After Clare’s little boy died in 2006, a neighbour brought her a bunch of daffodils and promised it wouldn’t always hurt as it did then.
Clare didn’t believe her, but as the years passed, those words started to take root. It didn’t get better, but it did get easier.

Now Clare grows daffodils – a sign of hope after a long winter – as a way of remembering her son.
Fourteen years after his death, Clare tweeted about her experience of discovering grief no longer controlled her life, making some promises to others who might be going through the early days of their own grief. It had an incredible response all over the world, but what you can fit into a tweet is limited and Clare couldn’t reply to the thousands of people who reached out to her - so the idea for this book was born.
With 18 short assurances that are full of compassion - drawn from Clare's experiences of losing her son and her father - this is the book she needed then.
Clare is a police officer turned crime writer and the multi-award-winning author of six Sunday Times bestselling novels, including I Let You Go, the fastest-selling debut thriller in the year it was released. Translated into 40 languages, her books have sold more than two million copies worldwide. She now writes full time and lives in Bala with her husband and their three children
Clare’s book is for anyone who’s struggled or is struggling with grief, no matter who they’ve lost.
For those for whom it will be relevant, she’d like to recommend Child Bereavement UK, which helps families to rebuild their lives when a child grieves or when a child dies. The charity’s helpline number is 0800 02 888 40 for confidential support, information and guidance.
To donate to support Child Bereavement UK’s work with grieving families, please visit:
Clare’s website is