A Rhydyfelin school teacher who was brought up in the Ceredigion village has released a new book.

Locals and visitors alike will enjoy its content, as it contains an account of two periods of his life whilst living in the family home.

Anthony has looked at features of life in the lower Ystwyth Valley for his new book called ‘In the shadow of Pen Dinas, Reflections of life in the lower Ystwyth Valley’.

Anthony, who is also a very well-known sportsman in the area, was the headteacher at Ysgol Gynradd Llanfarian for 15 years from 1974-89.

“During that time”, Anthony recalls, “much work was undertaken in the form of environmental studies.

“It underlined the fact that pupils learn far more readily when they have experienced the instruction.”

He added: “It's rewarding to recall the number of ex-pupils who remember our visit to the motte-and-bailey castle or the work we did on the river in the woodland.

“Recently, the number of walkers, cyclists and ramblers have increased greatly on their daily journey through Gosen since the coming of the cycle path.

“Consequently, walks are undertaken to Llanfarian, Tan-y-Bwlch Beach along the Nanny Goats walk or the roads and pathways.”

In the book the author takes us on numerous journeys which transverse the area.

An underlying theme of Anthony’s book is how lucky we are to live in such a beautiful and interesting locale. Consequently history, geography, science and poetry all have equal validity in this publication produced by WPG Welshpool.

Copies can be obtained directly from the author and are also on sale at the National Library of Wales and the Ceredigion Tourist Information shop on Terrace Road, Aberystwyth.

The book costs £10 and a percentage of each sale will be shared by Parkinson's Aberystwyth and Prostate Wales.

Anthony recognises the fact that the Covid pandemic has given him the time to put his thoughts down on paper.

He has been much appreciative of the interest generated and the sales of the book in the first month since it was released.