MOMA Machynlleth is delighted to announce the winners of the 2023 Tabernacle Art Competition.
The theme for the competition was ‘Secret’ (Cyfrinach in Welsh).
Amanda Gibbon and her son William generously agreed to be this year’s judges.
“Amanda and her family are collectors of art and are long-time supporters of MOMA Machynlleth and we are extremely grateful to them,” a MOMA spokesperson said.
First prize in the Adult category goes to Bob Fear with his work of acrylic on board titled Latent.
Bob is originally from Ely in Cardiff and it was at school where he discovered his love of drawing and painting. He attended art school and embraced life drawing classes particularly, and at every opportunity.
In his 20s Bob began to follow his other passion, submerging himself into the study of ecology at Cardiff University eventually gaining his doctorate studying River restoration.
The ravages of life, marriage and four busy children took over, and a living was made from his environmental interests. Bob occasionally had reason to use his talent for drawing, but there was never the opportunity to devote any significant time to it.
Eventually his children grew up with the youngest flying the nest last summer, and finally Bob had time to paint once again.
His aims are to have fun working on themes through figure painting and landscape, to begin exhibiting and selling his pictures and eventually to be able to call himself a professional painter.
Second prize, donated by the Friends of the Tabernacle, goes to Nicholas Sargent with his oil on canvas titled Red Smile.
Nicholas lives and paints in the upper Towy Valley, Carmarthenshire. The landscape provides the starting point for much of his painting and he also works with portraiture. His principal focus in his painting is to establish an emotional connection with the viewer through achieving a sense of place or mood.

Third prize, donated by Wendy Fuller, goes to Elwyn Ioan with his acrylic painting titled Cyfrinach Natur (Nature’s Secret).
Elwyn is from the Aberystwyth area. He has worked as a freelance illustrator and cartoonist in the world of Welsh books, magazines and comics since 1986 and before that at Gwasg Y Lolfa. He retired 10 years ago but is still extremely busy.
In 2008 he was given a lifetime achievement award from Cwlwm Cyhoeddwyr Cymru for his contribution to the world of books.
Sarah Jones, Phil Wheeler, Giovanna Vinciguerra, Heather Butler and Hilary Cowley Greer were highly commended.
In the age 11 and under category, the winner is Efa Yim-Jones, 10, who goes to Ysgol Henry Richard in Tregaron, with her collage titled Tylluan (Owl).
Jamie Smart (7), Ellie Stubbs (10), Pearl Silvester (9) and Daisy Brown (10) were highly commended.
The winner in the 12 to 17 category is Constance Braibant with her oil painting titled Mr Rabbit.
Constance, 17, is a Year 12 pupil from London. She hopes to go on to study art and design or architecture at university.
Oz Wilkins (15) and Mali Yim-Jones (13) were highly commended.
The works are on display in the Owen Owen and Bridge Galleries at MOMA Machynlleth until 6 September.
Visitors are encouraged to come and vote their favourite works. The adult and under-18 works with the most votes will win the Ailsa Owen Memorial Prize.
Voting is open until 25 August with the winners being announced at midday on Saturday, 26 August, along with the theme for the 2024 Tabernacle Art Competition.