An Evening Rehashing Operation Julie, last year’s summer season show at Aberystwyth Arts Centre, takes place on Thursday at 7.30pm.

Ad/Lib Cymru presents the evening with historian Andy Roberts – author of In Search Of Smiles. Joining Andy will be Smiles himself – Alston Hughes.

The life of Alston Hughes, aka Smiles, is an extraordinary journey through Britain’s counter-culture and illicit drug networks in the late 20th century.

A key figure in the Microdot Gang conspiracy, Smiles shifted millions of doses of LSD before being arrested in 1977 by Operation Julie—the police investigation which unearthed what was then the largest LSD manufacturing and distribution operation of its kind.

Dafydd Davies, eye witness to everything that went on, will also be on stage.

Having written the script of the popular musical Operation Julie, theatre director Geinor Styles will host the evening.

There will be a Q&A in the second half hosted by Ieuan Rhys and Phyl Harries, and a chance to buy a copy – and get it signed – of Andy Roberts’ latest book.

Also this week, the venue hosts 40/40 on Wednesday at 7.45pm.

This is described as an inspiring, insightful and moving celebration of Katherina Radeva’s 40 years as a woman, a migrant and an artist.