Library services across Wales will be transformed by a £900,000 system funded by Welsh Government and led by Gwynedd Council.

One system will be available with an app to browse books and audiobooks and order or renew items.

Cllr Nia Jeffreys said the system will improve library services and reduce costs “because it reduces the duplication associated with managing different library systems across Wales and allows libraries to recommend books for readers to read and share stock with each other more efficiently”.

Nia Gruffydd, Gwynedd Libraries Manager and project leader, said libraries ensure information and culture are within everyone's reach, provide access to e-resources and home delivery services valuable to those unable to visit their library, access to computers and cloud printing, and support to refer people to services of all kinds.

“We also provide a welcoming venue for a wide range of resources,” she added.

“Libraries also provide a wide range of outreach and engagement activities, encouraging early years literacy through baby rhyme and family story times, reading clubs and Warm Spaces.

“Libraries also offer an on-demand home delivery service that helps connect communities and tackle social isolation.”

The new system will enable other developments, such as a single library card for Wales.