Gwynedd Council will meet the Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport to discuss Llanbedr.

Council leader Dyfrig Siencyn said: “In the 2023-2024 financial year, Welsh Government announced £300,000 would be available for Cyngor Gwynedd to apply for quick transport gains and for developing improvements to the road at Llanbedr.

“Gwynedd Council successfully managed to claim £79,000 of the funds during 23/24.

“A request was made for £200,000 in this current financial year and it will be spent on quick gains and to prepare plans to improve the area in accordance with Welsh Government’s guidelines and processes. But, when plans have been prepared, there is no promise or guarantee that money will be forthcoming to build the bypass.

“If the former Deputy Welsh Government Minister had not stopped the original development and lost millions of pounds of European funding, the road would now have been completed.

“There will soon be a meeting with new Cabinet Secretary for North Wales and Transport, Ken Skates to discuss the situation, challenges and problems facing residents.

“Plaid Cymru’s Gwynedd Councillors who represent the area, the cabinet member and myself, will continue to lobby and represent the interests of the people of Llanbedr and the vicinity.”