Plans for a dedicated dog park in Llanddewi Brefi have been refused by planners over noise concerns from neighbours.

An application was lodged with Ceredigion County Council for a dog park and associated works at land adjacent to Celfan that would have seen the land, currently used for agricultural purposes, developed into a fenced dog park with cladded container to the east of the plot and to plant new native trees and hedgerow along the boundaries.

Documents said the “cladded container will be used to store maintenance equipment for the site and there will be a covered seated area attached to the container for dog owners to use.”

“The proposed development has been designed to improve the sites visual aspect whilst enhancing its ecological value through providing a soft landscaping scheme,” documents add.

“The use of the development will be solely for dog owners to allow them exercise their dogs in a safe and secure surrounding.

“Given the target audience being dog owners, the likelihood of risk to community safety is very low.”

However, several objections were received from within the village over concerns of an increase in traffic as well as noise disturbance.

In a report, council officers refusing the application said that while “the limited scale and nature of the proposed development it is considered the principle of development of a dog park within this location can be supported in principle”, “attention is drawn to concerns raised in regard similar dog park developments in neighbouring authorities causing noise nuisance from barking and affecting the residential amenity of properties adjacent which provides further evidence that

indicates a negative impact from this proposed application.”