A Porthmadog man’s fitness trainer friend saved his life, helping him lose weight for a documentary.

Gethin Jones’ attempt to transform his life with the help of, fitness trainer and bodybuilder Sion Monty is captured in 30 Stôn: Brwydr fawr Geth a Monty (30 Stone: Geth and Monty’s big struggle) shown on S4C at 9pm on Sunday, 19 May.

Gethin aims to lose 10 stone, climb Snowdon, and fulfil his dream of playing rugby again for Porthmadog.

A wake-up call came in June 2022 when Gethin had pain behind his eye.

“I went to the doctor and my blood pressure was sky high. That scared me. I went straight to Monty, and told him.”

Monty said: “Geth and I have been friends since we were kids.

“I turned to fitness and that changed my life. I've tried to help Geth before, and he's been successful loosing some weight before going back to his old ways.

“I wanted to help him for selfish reasons - I didn’t want my mate to die young; I wanted to have his company for years. He wasn’t in a good place at all. I've worked with a lot of people around the world - doctors, NFL players; these are big men, but no-one as big as Geth. I had to tell him that this was his last chance to get to where he wanted to be.”

One of the toughest challenges was cutting down alcohol.

“I work four days on and four days off,” says Gethin, who works in a plastic manufacturing factory in Blaenau Ffestiniog.

“I drink on the first day, the 2nd and the 3rd. I have a break on the 4th, before going back to work, then do it all again. I'm 37; most people have a mortgage, a nice car and so on. I’ve got nothing.

“I drink to forget things. If things go wrong for me, I drink.

“It’s easier to go for a pint than it is to to the gym or walk 10 miles. When I go on a bender I often do something ridiculous.

"Social events are my downfall - I'd be doing well, but then I’ll have something on - it's too easy to drop the gym to go for a beer with the lads.

“Monty saved my life.

“I’m so grateful to him.”

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