Aries (21 Mar - 20 Apr)

You might not be happy about the cost but to keep someone close happy, you will agree to their suggestions. It will mean a lot to them to know they have your support. When they say they appreciate this, they are being sincere. A relative will mention someone they thought you knew but you don’t. This conversation will intrigue you. This could be the start of a long-term friendship.

Taurus (21 Apr - 21 May)

Legal, financial and professional affairs all need some detailed attention. Nothing should be overlooked. Read the small-print. Ask for explanations about anything you do not understand. You have been avoiding having to deal with a powerful figure or official institution. Don’t let the paperwork that’s involved put you off. An experienced friend will help guide you through the process.

Gemini (22 May - 21 Jun)

The air is thick with expectation as the week begins. You just know something special is going to happen and you aren’t the only one to feel this way. You may have to juggle finances to take into account some unexpected costs relating to travel or the theatre. You won’t begrudge this at all and fortunately you will have the opportunity to do some extra work.

Cancer (22 Jun - 23 Jul)

You can sense and visualise how it might feel to be in someone else’s shoes. This makes you sensitive to a friend or loved one’s difficulties. Your own progress will be delayed once you volunteer to help sort out other people’s problems but this is a sacrifice you will willingly make. Your employer will offer you a plum assignment. This will delight you and restore your sense of worth.

Leo (24 Jul - 23 Aug)

Short trips, group gatherings and mentally challenging projects will make for a busy and interesting week. Life is happy and harmonious. When you feel loved and special you will be putting yourself out to please your friends and loved ones. A new work policy will be outlined. You will need some time to go through this before giving your own views.

Virgo (24 Aug - 23 Sep)

You understand why someone is trying to look on the bright side but you are trying to point out the practicalities and reality of a situation. Someone is making no effort whatsoever to see things from your perspective. You are wasting your time trying to persuade them. For now, dance to the tune a senior colleague is playing. You will get your chance in the future to change things more to your liking.

Libra (24 Sep - 23 Oct)

There’s a crazy, muddled and confused feel to the start of the week. Others will look to you to sort order out of chaos. You are more than ready to reduce commitments. Ignore anyone who accuses you of just wanting to have more fun because this is not the case. What you need is time to yourself to recharge your batteries. Your family and closest friends will be quick to support your efforts to achieve this aim.

Scorpio (24 Oct - 22 Nov)

It’s early days in a team project you are involved in but you have high hopes for its success. Whispers you start to hear will intrigue you. Rumours are circulating and although you don’t want to believe what you hear you will want to know the truth. There is someone who will feel threatened when you start digging for information. This is the only way to get to the bottom of a mystery.

Sagittarius (23 Nov - 21 Dec)

If you need help, ask for it. Is pride getting in the way of you getting the support and resources you need to succeed? Reach out to an expert you admire. Apply for a loan. Your midweek work schedule could change at a moment’s notice. This will result in you having to think and act quickly and it will call for some improvisation. Your imaginative ideas will get the approval of those in high positions.

Capricorn (22 Dec - 20 Jan)

You haven’t yet worked out whether a new relationship might be good for you. You do know that it will mean having to cut back on some activities in order to make room in your life for this partnership. Romantic plans need more careful thought when work and other commitments have been preventing you from seeing your amour as much as you would have liked.

Aquarius (21 Jan - 19 Feb)

Your mind is on travel and study possibilities, distant affairs and far-off interests. In other words you’re looking for ways to broaden your horizons. If you can get away with leaving mundane matters to someone else, or to put them aside for another time, this is what you will do. If this isn’t possible, you might end up resenting anyone or anything that prevents you from being on the move.

Pisces (20 Feb - 20 Mar)

An older relative is moody. It doesn’t matter what you say, it seems to rub them the wrong way. You aren’t in the mood to argue and you’re inclined to let them have their own way, just to keep the peace. Getting into arguments only distracts you from important affairs. Permanent improvements can be made to your job situation and this will strengthen your position, your reputation and your income.

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