A concert organised to thank local health services has raised £6,800.

Over 200 people attended the concert at Llety Parc, Aberystwyth, organised by Megan Jones Roberts to thank Padarn Surgery and Macmillan Nurses as she undergoes treatment for cancer.

Megan was diagnosed with cancer in December.

She had stomach pain “different to any other pain”, so made an appointment to see her GP.

They immediately referred her to A&E that day, where more tests followed and the diagnosis made.

Chemotherapy treatment started immediately after that.

It has not been plain sailing to with infection and other problems, but Megan wanted to go ahead with the concert. Dylan Morris from Pwllheli and Cor PamLai from Lampeter kept the audience entertained throughout the night

Compere and auctioneer Geraint James from Newcastle Emlyn also entertained.

Money is still coming in, but so far the amount raised is around £6,800.

“This is a fantastic amount,” said Megan.

“Without donations, sponsorship, items to be sold at auction and raffle prizes this would have not been possible.

“Please accept my thanks to all who helped out on the evening.

“Hopefully all the money raised will be shared between the chosen charities within the next few weeks.”