Over 20 couples entered the Deulwyn Morgan Mixed Knockout Competition at Borth and Ynyslas which was given by past president Nans Morgan in remembrance of her late husband Deulwyn Morgan who was past captain and past president of the club.

The eventual winners were Ruth Morris and Owen Jenkins who beat Barbara Reece and Dylan Raw-Rees in closely fought final.

The Dr Aileen Smith Memorial Medal was won by Debbie Jones with a score of nett 71 off a handicap of 19 ahead of Sue Wilson with nett 75 off 27 and Jean Harrison with nett 76 off 25.

Helen Lewis won the September Stableford 2 with 32 points. Jean Harrison was second with 28 and Karen Evans third with 27.

The nine-hole competition was won by Margaret Roberts with 12 points.


The Centenary Cup was won by Harri Jones with 37 points ahead of David Greathead with 35 points who beat Gwynn Jenkins on the back nine.

The Extra Stableford was won by Gareth Baker with 37 points. Rob Galliford was second with 34 and Darren Phillips third with 33.