YSGOL Uchradd Tywyn Under 12s finished fifth overall in the Schoolgirl Hockey National Finals held at Christ College, Brecon with entrants from eight schools across Wales including Botwnnog and Tywyn from the North.

The competition was won by Botwnnog who went on to remain unbeaten throughout the whole tournament and were crowned National Schoolgirl U12 Champions.

The searing temperatures demanded a high degree of effort and determination from the Tywyn girls all day, digging deep for each of their seven games starting with Monmouth Girls.

It was a close game with work to do at the back and chances up front but the girls came away with a hard-earned point after a successful challenge by Polly Richards, 1-1.

A game off followed so the girls could catch a breath and have drink and then they were up against Milford Haven where Evie Hodges scored an early goal from open play.

This was followed by four successful challenges, two each for Evie and Polly and then another score from open play.

Dani Prescott-Smith and Cadi Fowles moved up front and threatened to score a number of times but the Milford Haven defense held but only just, and the girls from south Wales managed to sneak a bobbly one in past Layle Stone in goal and managed a successful challenge to boot, resulting in a final score of 6-2 to YUT.

Spirits were soaring as high as the temperature, as the girls were second on the table and had just delivered the highest scoring game of the tournament.

Botwnnog were up next; the girls from Pen Llŷn were a well-drilled outfit, moving the ball well throughout the team and managing to get three into the Tywyn goal by half-time.

YUT fought back hard in the second half and held the scoreline for most of the second half, with defenders Nel Pughe and Amelia Wyre working tirelessly at the back.

Despite some penetrating balls through the middle for Tywyn, the YUT girls were denied a score and a last minute challenge secured a decisive win for Botwnnog.

A goalless draw against Whitchurch but the Tywyn girls looked the stronger team and so went into the following game against Howell's feeling confident.

It wasn't to be with two goals in the first half for Howell's followed by a third in the second.

The Bro Morgannwg game was next and YUT picked themselves up with skills and confidence on display on the wings by India Catherwood and Isabel Pattison as they caused problems for the girls from Barry.

Cadi Fowes and Dani Prescott-Smith with some driving runs forward helped as Tywyn hunted in the attacking half and a successful shuffle for both Evie Hodges and Polly Richards topped off with an amazing save and shuffle denied to Botwnnog resulted in a 2-0 win for the Tywyn girls.

An absolutely nail-biting final game was ahead for Tywyn as the score against Henry Richard 2 at half time was 1-1 thanks to successful challenges for both sides.

A chance from open play with a lovely ball into the attacking D from Isabel was denied. Tywyn went down 2-1 in the second half and with only minutes to go Polly Richards, cool and calm, slotted it in from a shuffle, high and left, to equalise for YUT. Final score of final game 2-2.

Standards of hockey were so high throughout the day, despite the very difficult conditions, and YUT fought hard, held their own and played some lovely hockey at both ends of the pitch.