Pedestrianised town centre areas, more safe access for cyclists, better walking routes and greener spaces for six of Ceredigion’s town centres could all be on the cards in works that will cost tens of millions of pounds, a new document outlines.

The document: A Strategy for Greening 6 Ceredigion Towns, which sets out to boost Green and Blue (GBI) infrastructure in Aberystwyth, Aberaeron, Cardigan, Lampeter, Llandysul and Tregaron, was produced earlier this year.

Five projects are mooted for each of the six towns in the document, seen by the Cambrian News.

The document says: “At the local level, there is significant ambition and support for making Ceredigion greener and more resilient.

The plans for Llandysul

A £4 million plan to create a memorial park and circular river walk is the key project outlined in efforts to rejuvenate Llandysul.

The scheme would see the introduction of a footbridge and riverside walking route to increase footfall between key destinations in Llandysul.

“The river walk would help to establish a nature-rich corridor, provide opportunities to interact with the town’s river and provide a nature-based solution to manage flood risk,” scheme documents outline.

“If well designed, a flat and nature-rich riverside walk would be an important and accessible wellbeing resource for older residents.

"Introducing informal playful spaces would make these natural spaces more interactive for families to explore.

“Together, this offers the opportunity to create a truly intergenerational community space.”

Plans would also include extending tree cover and planting local wildflower species along the river walk.

Elsewhere, scheme projects aim to encourage community food growing in Llandysul at the Beeches along with the creation of a wetland habitat “to improve the health of the Teifi river corridor and provide a nature-based solution to flood risk.”

Plans will also see planting with the town centre and the creation of social spaces, with the plasn giving backing to a town council bid to create a town square “to create an important public space for events, outdoor seating and socialising.”

A wider outlook project, Destination Llandysul, will also look at how to “increase the interaction of both locals and visitors with the river.”

Documents added: “Creating a vision of a town centre that is nature-rich, attractive and accessible by walking and cycling for as many members of the community as possible will help to re-establish a thriving town centre.

“Llandysul has the lowest overall tree cover of all urban areas in Ceredigion. This makes the area potentially less resilient to climate change.

“Exploring opportunities for tree planting and woodland creation in Llandysul should be a key priority.”