Morfa Nefyn Girl Guide Alwen Hughes has been to the House of Commons to share the hopes and concerns of girls.

MP Liz Saville Roberts also attended the event hosted by Girlguiding.

The charity wants the government to act on issues affecting girls including safety, mental health, cost of living and the environment.

Mrs Saville Roberts listened to girls speak passionately about the changes they want to see enacted by government, alongside Alwen Hughes from Morfa Nefyn.

Mrs Saville Roberts said: “I’m keen to ensure the voices of girls and young women area heard when it comes to discussing how best to address these issues.

“I would like to thank Girlguiding for facilitating this event, and to all the girls who attended and shared their concerns with us.”

CEO of Girlguiding Angela Salt said: “It was an honour to have our launch event attended by so many key political figures.

“Our manifesto is designed by girls, for girls, in a time when it is vital government listen about what’s important to girls and young women.

“We know girls’ happiness has hit an all-time low, and they are struggling with mental health, so it is crucial government make reversing this steady decline a core priority.”